Category: Interdisciplinary Research


A hitchhiker’s guide to data science for molecular biology

You are a molecular biologist who stumbled into this whole data science thing out of genuine interest but really somewhat by accident. You enjoy data analysis and want to proceed but you don’t know where to go after finishing your basic courses. In a way it feels like you traveled to a foreign country and now you need to understand...

A light bulb surrounded by different small icons representing clock, pencils, test tubes, globes, DNA etc. 0

Sailing to an Interdisciplinary Research – My Expedition

After five relentless months of meetings, interviews, and presentations, I was handed an offer letter to join a renowned academic institute to conduct interdisciplinary research. Was the journey from being a master’s student to a Ph.D. candidate smooth? Hmmm, quite the contrary. Was it worth the anguish? Yes, it was the most invaluable and rewarding adventure and transition I observed...